Event filters

Filter out events by stream name or event type, using regular expressions. Positive and negative matches are supported.

You may want to prevent some events from being replicated. Those could be obsolete or “wrong” events, which your system doesn’t need.

We provide two filters (in addition to the special scavenge filter):

  • Event type filter
  • Stream name filter

Filter options:

Option Values Description
type eventType or streamName One of the available filters
include Regular expression Filter for allowing events to be replicated
exclude Regular expression Filter for preventing events from being replicated

For example:

  - type: eventType
    include: "."
    exclude: "((Bad|Wrong)\w+Event)"

You can configure zero or more filters. Scavenge filter is enabled by the scavenge setting and doesn’t need to be present in the filter list. You can specify either include or exclude regular expression, or both. When both include and exclude regular expressions are configured, the filter will check both, so the event must match the inclusion expression and not match the exclusion expression.

Last modified April 15, 2021: New docs (9ace245)