
Deploy Replicator with our Helm chart

The easiest way to deploy Replicator to Kubernetes is by using a provided Helm chart. On this page, you find detailed instructions for using the Replicator Helm chart.

Add Helm repository

Ensure you have Helm 3 installed on your machine:

$ helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.5.2", GitCommit:"167aac70832d3a384f65f9745335e9fb40169dc2", GitTreeState:"dirty", GoVersion:"go1.15.7"}

If you don’t have Helm, following their installation guide.

Add the Replicator repository:

$ helm repo add es-replicator https://eventstore.github.io/replicator
$ helm repo update

Provide configuration

Configure the Replicator options using a new values.yml file:

    connectionString: "GossipSeeds=node1.esdb.local:2113,node2.esdb.local:2113,node3.esdb.local:2113; HeartBeatTimeout=500; UseSslConnection=False;  DefaultUserCredentials=admin:changeit;"
    connectionString: "esdb://admin:changeit@[cloudclusterid].mesdb.eventstore.cloud:2113"
    partitionCount: 6
    - type: eventType
      include: "."
      exclude: "((Bad|Wrong)\w+Event)"
    type: http
    config: "http://transform.somenamespace.svc:5000"
  metrics: true
  operator: true

Available options are:

Option Description Default
replicator.reader.connectionString Connection string for the source cluster or instance nil
replicator.reader.protocol Reader protocol tcp
replicator.reader.pageSize Reader page size (only applicable for TCP protocol 4096
replicator.sink.connectionString Connection string for the target cluster or instance nil
replicator.sink.protocol Writer protocol grpc
replicator.sink.partitionCount Number of partitioned concurrent writers 1
replicator.sink.partitioner Custom JavaScript partitioner null
replicator.sink.bufferSize Size of the sink buffer, in events 1000
replicator.scavenge Enable real-time scavenge true
replicator.runContinuously Set to false if you want Replicator to stop when it reaches the end of $all stream. true
replicator.filters Add one or more of provided filters []
replicator.transform Configure the event transformation
replicator.transform.bufferSize Size of the prepare buffer (filtering and transformations), in events 1000
prometheus.metrics Enable annotations for Prometheus false
prometheus.operator Create PodMonitor custom resource for Prometheus Operator false
resources.requests.cpu CPU request 250m
resources.requests.memory Memory request 512Mi
resources.limits.cpu CPU limit 1
resources.limits.memory Memory limit 1Gi
pvc.storageClass Persistent volume storage class name null
terminationGracePeriodSeconds Timeout for the workload graceful shutdown, it must be long enough for the sink buffer to flush 300
jsConfigMaps List of existing config maps to be used as JS code files (for JS transform, for example) {}

You should at least provide both connection strings and ensure that workloads in your Kubernetes cluster can reach both the source and the target EventStoreDB clusters or instances.

Configuring a JavaScript transform

Follow the documentation to configure a JavaScript transform in your values.yml file.

Then append the following option to your helm install command:

--set-file transformJs=./transform.js

Configuring a custom partitioner

Follow the documentation to configure a custom partitioner in your values.yml file.

Then append the following option to your helm install command:

--set-file partitionerJs=./partitioner.js

Complete the deployment

When you have the values.yml file complete, deploy the release using Helm. Remember to set the current kubectl context to the cluster where you are deploying to.

helm install es-replicator \
  es-replicator/es-replicator \
  --values values.yml \
  --namespace es-replicator

You can choose another namespace, the namespace must exist before doing a deployment.

The replication starts immediately after the deployment, assuming that all the connection strings are correct, and the Replicator workload has network access to both source and sink EventStoreDB instances.